The Woman’s torso
The Woman’s torso is a mystery to many men. That is, they don’t know much about it. It has a lot of nerve endings. Why is this the case? Scientists are starting to provide some answers. As well, they are trying to identify some of these nerve endings. They assume that some of them exist in every Woman’s body. It is essential to understand that every Woman has a torso, whether it is fat or muscle. But the texture of this torso is different from one woman to another. If your lover’s tush is ruffled, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she has had a deep penetration. All it means is that her body was subjected to great pressure and stress. Another form of penetration that is very difficult for many men to relate to is what is typically called “French kissing.” This involves the use of the tongue, lips, and mouth to suck and lick the male target’s body. Then there are instances in which an extremely well-endowed man may actually not need to open his legs. Sometimes a woman may place her hands on his thighs and pull them in very tightly. The man can also feel her vaginal muscles squeezing against his penis. It is very difficult for most men to judge how much penetration has taken place when so much has happened previously (and in some cases, the reverse). The Science of Orgasm Amazing as it may seem, orgasm is a scientific process. This is large because the process of ejaculation (note the messy jargon again) is caused by a rush of hormones and nerve endings that flow to the pelvic area in rapid succession. The eventual result is a confusing series of involuntary contractions that eventually result in ejaculation. The first step in the process, prior to ejaculation, is called “ejaculation,” and it involves the sudden tension of the pubococcygeus muscle. This muscle, which is located at the base of the pelvis, is responsible for ejaculatory control. The second step in the process is ejaculation accompanied by orgasm. Typically, the male experiences orgasm every time he ejaculates. Microwave – This is the most common method of stimulating the penis. It is a good option for those who desire less penetration and more control. The use of a microwave device heats up the penis very quickly, enabling a man to quickly heat up and stimulate his partner without worrying about the mess or the burn. Aids. Instead of going from the vagina to the anus, the man can also go from the penis to the vagina using his finger. There are several membranes in the vaginal area that can be stimulated without much effort. Pliers – A man can gain much more control of his penis by working on the pelvic muscles together with the help of his partner. Different positions, taking turns holding the penis, and switching hands is a good method of mutual satisfaction. strapping – This method involves a practice called ” nurses’ fingers.” Strings are attached to the base of the penis, which can be adjusted for greater or lesser penetration. This is also a good method of foreplay and allows the man to use his finger to drive his partner wild. Kegel exercises – A man can strengthen his pelvic muscles by performing Kegel exercises. The muscle that he exercises is called the Pubococcygeus muscle, which also affects how hard his erections will be and how long he will last in bed. What causes premature ejaculation, anyway? Music is a safe answer. In the study, researchers compared songs with subjects that were exposed to PE and those that were without. When the researchers identified the songs, they found that those that were exposed to PE did indeed have a problem: The suits the women in these songs when the men se lead. Specifically, they found that PE songs had a problem with: – The use of the voice. Specifically, the shaky, wimpy voices of the men. – The changing emphasis. Phase, which occurs when the second-to-last word of the speaking voice occurs before the first word of the speaking Female’s voice. In layman’s terms, the sound you make that you consider being a voice resonating in your chest is not the same as the sound you make when you inhale deeply. – Incorrect tense use. Tense use is one thing that all men can do. Using a word or phrase in a tense way alters the way it sounds to a woman. Have you ever noticed how “he” or “she” sounds different from “he” or “she”? – Lack of tense use. Tense use is really common among men, but among women as well, it is considered to be annoying.